Markets, Gold & Grace - FAQ (en anglais)
Hello Paxians,
Friday’s announcement regarding markets and economy triggered many questions from the community. We’ll try to answer as many of these in as much detail as we can below.
When it comes to timing, our rule of thumb is ”it will be deployed when ready.” For markets, we can tell you that we are super ready - like, super super ready!
Will I be able to customize my own stall - for example with the colors of my clan?
That won’t be possible in this first pass of the markets. We have been looking at visual customisation of the markets for later updates, as we know being able to customize the stalls is important. So - we don’t have an ETA for customization, but it’s on the list.
Are there different models of stalls? For example with wheels, etc?
Yes, we have visual variants coming in a later update - no ETA yet. You can see below some Work in Progress designs. Here is what you’ll be able to sell/buy on the specific stalls:
Alchemist: herbs, mushrooms, minerals, drinks and potions.
Woodsman: leather, leather armor, hides, bow, fur, meat.
Crafter: ores, metals, metal armor, tailoring.

In development - Stall variants

In development - Alchemist Stall
Will there be a marker on the map to show where a stall is available?
There won’t be one initially. In a later version we’re going to surface market areas on the map.
What will be the range of the market listing (zone, province, global)?
In this first version of the market stalls, you will have to be at the market stall to see what is being sold in the stall. We will be updating the system so you can browse the contents of the stalls at a greater distance (i.e. within a Heartland). When browsing remote stalls within the Heartland, if you find wares you’d like to buy, the market UI will let you set a map waypoint to the stall to make it easier to visit.
What will be the maximum limit for gold?
The maximum amount of gold a player can own is a Very Large Number, which we intend no player to ever reach.
Will there be any logs to track what was traded, to who and at what cost?
Not in this version of the Markets. We have later plans for market logs that give you essential information on your active orders and all your order activity. We’ve also discussed making it so that players who have connected their Discord accounts could ask the game to notify them using a DM when they make a sale.

Where is the item stored once it is put on the market stall? Is it still in my inventory until it’s sold?
The market stalls will have their own inventory, and items listed for sale will go into the stall’s inventory. Note that there will be a fee to list an item for sale, which is set at 5% of the item sale price and a minimum of 1 gold, so the stalls will not be great for storing items in place of chests. We intend to observe how this fee works out and might adjust the fee in the future.
What will happen when the market gets deconstructed, and it has some listings?
Currently, you will not be able to deconstruct a market stall if it contains an item for sale. You’ll have to delist all the items before you can deconstruct the market stall.
Can you cancel a listing from other people? What will happen with their items?
The stall owner and the plot owner will be able to de-list items from the stalls they control, assuming they’ve given other people the right to list items in their market. The player who de-lists an item takes the item to their inventory. Therefore, the first version of the Market Stalls is optimized for players and their trusted allies to sell their wares to the public as opposed to running a market where everyone comes to sell their items. For the first version of Market Stalls, you will be able to share permissions with your clan to post items for sale, and anyone can buy from any stall. In the future, we’re going to make it safe to list items in a public stall without the fear of the stall owner “stealing” your item by de-listing it. We’d also like to let you limit who can buy from the stall, so you could set up a stall with discounted item prices for your clan, for example.
What will happen when someone lists their things on a market stall, and then the owner changes the permissions?
The existing sales will continue to exist and will not be affected by the permission change.
Is there a time limit until the sale is cancelled?
Currently, there is no time limit for how long the items on sale are listed.
Will we be able to make buy or sale orders?
In this first version of the markets you will only be able to sell items. We already have the design for adding buy orders, and we want to include that feature in a future update.
Do items need to be “new”/repaired to be sold?
We currently allow all items to be listed regardless of their condition. As a buyer, you will be able to see the condition of the item being sold.
What’s the maximum number of items that we will be able to sell per stall? (The image in the blog suggests a limit of 120 items)
Initially, each stall will be set to a cap of 120 orders. This is likely to evolve in the future.
Can gold bars be used to make coins? Or will all coins still come from NPC loot?
Until further notice, all gold coins will come in the form of PvE loot.
Are there any plans to link the market with Discord (notifications, special channels, webhook, etc)?
We have plans for this, but no details to share yet.
How can I obtain some Grace exactly?
You will earn a certain amount per day for free and then you can gain incrementally more on a daily basis by sacrificing gold at an increasing cost. The cost gets reset on a daily basis. Grace is a non-transferable resource.
How do I fast travel with Grace and what are the specific locations I can travel to? How do you plan to stop this from being abused?
We will share more about the locations later. The amount of Grace you can earn to perform all miracles is limited by time and how much gold you’re prepared to invest in it, which influences how much you’re willing to use for fast travel. We’re also looking into increasing the cost of fast travel miracles based on the amount and value of goods you’re carrying, making these miracles great to go out on adventure but not necessarily the best options to bring the goods home or transport them over long distances.
Daily logins (any form of daily login) to acquire Grace will be a black stain on this game. And it’s a dangerous precedent that is being set by the devs. All that tells me is they do not value my time, and are more interested in me logging into the game rather than providing a meaningful/entertaining way to gain Grace in order to teleport.
We sympathize with this sentiment. The reason we’re planning to use this mechanic here is not inspired by evil and manipulative industry standards, but because we think it's the best fit for the design goals we’re trying to achieve with Grace. Grace will be a hugely valuable resource that we want to be throttled by both time and in-game wealth and success (gold and social positions). We’ll share more details on Grace, Miracles and the Divine at a later point.
Pax vobiscum, The Mainframe Team