Patch Notes - July (July 19 update) | En Anglais uniquement
Patch Notes – July 19
Fixed an issue where all Founder's Pack recipes were visible on the Founder's Crafter for all game versions.
Fixed a bug on loot probability for animal hides that created a lower probability than expected. Note that it only fixes the probability, if a creature is not supposed to loot T2 hides, it still won't.
Fixed an issue where the embroidery on the female Founder cape was off-center.
Fixed an issue where some zone servers and clients crashed due to the building system.
Patch Notes - July 17th 2024
Fixed an issue where some zone servers and clients were unable to start properly due to the building system being in a bad state
Patch Notes - July 17
Features and Changes
NEW: Building Signs have been added to the game. You will find them in the props menu, but they behave like building pieces, you build and place them at once. Signs can be placed on the ground, on all props, and on all building pieces – except on another Sign.
NEW: By pressing (F) while holding a building piece in Construction mode, you can cycle through the snapping points of the building piece.
Improved error messaging when the game loses connection to the building server and the player is unable to enter the game.
Cinematic Camera (F7) is now disabled outside of Home Valleys. In other words, it is disabled in the Wildlands, the Dungeons, and Lyonesse (the PvP area).
Plum trees have been added to the game. The Divine made a plum tree, and they saw that it was good.
This addition will impact the locations of the Apple trees, but should not impact the other resources.
User Feedback
Client log files will be collected along with user feedback to help debugging.
Updating/adding item descriptions to all the items available in the game.
Fixed an issue where the game could crash while tutorial dialogues were open.
Fixed the drop rates of Hides by increasing them, and not only on bears. Bouvard the Grand Veneur, in his Hunting Precis at the Crack of Dawn, explained how he trained his children to gather T2 hides from rabbits, but many of his writings are controversial.
Fixed an issue where the wool resource mesh was causing client performance issues.
Removed Prime Hides from dropping. It was too soon for them.
Fixed an issue where props and crafters could get into a broken state, become invisible while having collisions, or not be adequately destroyed, with no resource being returned. This should all be fixed now, but let us know if it is not.
Fixed an issue where some players with some specific settings were able to change other players' chests' privileges - we can't say more, but it was a nasty one.
Fixed an issue where small props integrity check would not let them be placed on the ground, and they would be destroyed.
Fixed an issue where some users would encounter an error for "initial replication failed" and be kicked from the server.
Fixed the odd and unexpected disappearance of the Raisins' recipe. We basically put it back.
Fixed an issue where the Farmhouse Roast item icon was a chicken instead of a Roast deer. Some would say potatoe, potato.
Fixed an issue where recipes in processing crafters (aka timed-crafters) were visible before being officially unlocked by the player.
Fixed some inconsistent names in the leatherworking table.
Fixed the wolf meat descriptions in the Charcuterie Workbench as they did not match what was produced.
Fixed an issue where stunned characters were still able to block when they should not have been able to.
Fixed an issue where NPCs could become unresponsive and unkillable.
Fixed an issue where NPC footsteps were not oriented based on the NPC orientation.
Fixed an issue where the player might get launched and heavily damaged by jumping onto NPCs. There were some glorious deaths though.
Fixed an issue where the Entranced Exorcist NPC would spin around themselves between attacks. It was somewhat cool, but not expected.
Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck in water.
Fixed an issue where respawn timers could be manipulated to force respawns of rare spawns.
Fixed an issue where Teleporting to the Home Shrine in another province teleported the character to the shrine's coordinates in the current province instead of the relevant Province.
The Home Shrine icon is no longer displayed when the character is not in their Province.
Fixed an issue where some caves had a gap in geometry, which the player could fall through.
Fixed an issue where the large ringfort in the north of Inis Gallia had no NPCs.
Fixed an issue where NPCs and Player characters would disappear when obscured by the environment.
Fixed various parts of PVE sites that were missing collisions.
Clan and party
Fixed an issue where the Clan UI was not auto-updating in some scenarios. When a player is invited to a clan with the Clan UI open, they should get the notification and the Clan UI update simultaneously.
Crossbow skill was removed from the game because there is no crossbow (yet).
Fixed an issue where the background was interactable when the ESC key had been pressed.
Fixed an issue where the Enter key would not always close the EA disclaimer.
Patch notes - July 4
Fixed an issue that caused chopping and mining animations to take slightly longer on each swing
Fixed an issue that would cause actor interactions to overlap and not prioritize correctly
Patch Notes - July 3
Bug fixes
Fixed a client crash that could occur when interacting with water
Patch Notes - July 2
Resources & Crafting
Nice Pork Stew is now correctly named Nice Bear Stew
Clay, Flax and Impure Iron spawn frequency and amount of spawn locations has been increased. Many spawn spots have also changed
Increased chat message character limit to 255
Player Settings Menu
Mouse sensitivity option has been added
Mouse Invert option has been added
Removed the “Use Occlusion Culling” option
Moved the “Unstuck” option out of the graphics section to the main section where it should be
Keybind entries have had a slight update to appearance
Hit impacts now have reactions based on the surface they hit
Death and Revive
Added home shrine for starting area as default
Unstuck cooldown is now 15 minutes
Wearables and Wieldables
Improved the appearance of capes so that they are less distorted
Removed decorative tiara from a character preset
Further work has been done to improve overlapping issues with certain garments
Container sizes for newly built containers that had more than 10 slots has been increased. Existing containers do not change size - to upgrade you containers please rebuild any where you want increased size
Graphics Improvements
More natural sun and moonlight colors
Improved image color contrast
Bug fixes
Resource Gathering
Fixed an issue where the title could crash while chopping down trees
Fixed an issue where players are occasionally unable to complete harvesting mineral resources
Fixed an issue where brown bears were not dropping loot
Fixed an issue where objects placed on the Triangular Stone foundation would break
Fixed an issue with the Examine action becoming unavailable when regenerating HP
Fixed an issue where ingredients sometimes dropped on the ground despite having space in the inventory after unsuccessful crafting
Fixed an issue where the Construction Hammer is referred to as the Building Hammer in the onboarding process
Fixed an issue where the beehive was using an old wax icon instead of its own unique one
Wearables and Wieldables
Fixed an issue where parts of the character's body would clip through the underwear
Fixed some issues with sleeves that would clip through some jackets
Fixed an issue where some bracers were clipping with the forearm
Fixed an issue where chainmail armor pieces clipped through each other
Fixed a clipping issue that capes had with certain cloth tops
Fixed an issue where Coarse Cotton Cloth had a placeholder as an icon
Fixed the issue where the Player was teleported in the middle of the current map and not their home shrine if it was in a different province
Fixed swapping items with G being unavailable most of the time
Fixed an issue where after being stunned the player might not appear visually in the proper state
Fixed an issue where Weapon and Shield spells would deal an additional tick of damage
Fixed an issue where disabling Camera-Relative Targeting worked inconsistently while barehanded
Fixed an issue where the Ring of Fire NPC spell would distort shadows in the environment
Fixed an issue where respawning after dying with a shield equipped could lock the character in a certain pose
Fixed an issue where tapping attack buttons too quickly would result in animations restarting
Fixed the issue where the Player was able to cancel attack animation using block but still dealt damage
Fixed an issue where the warning that tells if multiple actions are bound to the same key was not visible in the Controls Settings while in Character Selection
Fixed an issue where part of the text in Help UI didn't scale correctly with UI Scale
Fixed an issue where Plot management panel showed up despite not owning any plots
Fixed an issue where the Accept/Decline buttons were not properly fitting in the clan invitation UI
Death and Revive
Fixed an issue where the player was able to move during revive
Fixed an issue where the Home Shrine map marker was excessively large and had a placeholder icon
Fixed an issue where Player was able to see Home Shrine icon while in the dungeon
Fixed an issue where wading in water was no longer hooked up after impact system was implemented
Fixed an issue where Player's character animation stopped very close to the Petra Dei center, which sometimes resulted in soft-lock situation
Fixed an issue where footstep SFX were playing when the player was standing still
Fixed the issue where the processing loop SFX would still play after the appointment crafter was destroyed
Fixed an issue where we would sometimes get too many NPCs spawned in one area, creating performance issues