Samhain - A (short) Pax Dei Audio Story (auf Englisch)
Samhain, the ancient autumn festival of the Celts. It marks the end of the harvest season and the start of the darker months of the year.
During this time, the veil between this world and the next grows weaker, as the eye of the Divine increasingly turns elsewhere.
As darkness crept in, people would light bonfires, wear disguises and carry their most reliable good luck charms, to protect themselves from the wandering spirits.
Samhain is not just a time of roaming spirits but also of community and reflection, and people would gather to honor their ancestors and prepare for winter.
As the veil thins this Samhain, don’t let the lost souls lure you into the woods. Stay close to your clan, and honor the ancient ways.
How will you prepare for the long night ahead?