Patch Notes – November 21, 2024
Chat, Friends list, Discord linking
Discord now powers the in-game chat.
More info in our latest article.
Fixed an issue where oak trees were missing in specific biomes. Oaks have replaced some beech trees in the Rolling Hills and the Old Forest biome. This is a quick patch to help with the resource dependencies, and we’d like to do a more thorough pass next time there’s an opportunity to do a full world rebuild. Note: there’s a very small risk that some of the oaks will clip through some player buildings since the oaks are bigger than the beech trees.
Fixed a respawn point in Inis Gallia - Jura that was spawning players in the wrong location.
Resolved an issue causing various snowy terrain to appear black and jagged at higher elevations.
Enhanced graphics for entirely dark areas.
Adjusted PvE ruins geometry, lowering it by 10 cm for improved ground registration.
Fixed some missing or inaccurate collisions across multiple PvE ruins.
Fixed floating issues with various roadside fences.
Fixed the fog glare from the moon or sun so it’s no longer visible through the terrain.
Fixed the sharp snow transition on cliffs and terrain.
Added Faction Relics to loot piles.
Beehives now drop from all types of trees.
Added more Pure Iron deposits in Lyonesse.
Fixed an issue where an insufficient amount of hides was dropping from killed animals.
Fixed the lack of low-tier hides for high-level skinning.
New icons and meshes for various items were added.
Added proper mesh and icon for Red Cabbage.
Fixed the Red Cabbage to be gatherable.
Adjusted brightness for glass item meshes.
Reduced the size of Gneiss, Flint, and Clay 3D meshes.
Removed Silver Fir Branch from the game, at last.
Changed unlock levels for Fine Leather, Fine Leather Bands, and Fine Leather Strings to be lower.
Leatherwork Bench no longer uses the Linen Cloth resource but uses Inferior Leather and Iron Knife Blade instead.
Corrected recipe unlocks for furnishings and other props, allowing placement in the world when acquired.
Fixed the advanced Spit Roast that did not contain the basic Spit Roast recipes.
Fixed available recipes on the Alchemy Distillery to show the correct recipe levels.
Fixed an issue where Level 16 Winemaking & Brewing recipes contained items only available at Level 24.
Adjusted leather hide drop rates to prevent progression blocks in Leatherworking.
Lowered crafting difficulty for Leather Bands, Strings, and Fine Leather to 33, easing progression in Leatherworking past Level 30.
Rebalanced various potion status effects and adjusted recipe costs.
Removed some items from the loot tables that didn't have any use in the game.
Corrected the icon and status effects for "Dry White."
Fixed the Small Ladder build preview to prevent it from floating in the air by default.
Resolved an issue causing duplicate entries for Loios Tears Leaves Extracts.
All chests are now correctly categorized under 'Storage.'
Removed the 'Salad' recipe for good.
Improved alignment of crafting recipes for alcohol production.
Switched Charcuterie and Tailoring XP curves.
Removed duplicate entries from the Furniture & Props menu.
Level 41 Arcane Resistance potion now requires a vial in its recipe.
Fixed inconsistencies in glass recipe progression.
Renamed "Berserker Mushroom" to "Fly Agaric."
Lowered the volume of sound effects when crafting.
Added various new sound effects for crafters.
Status Effects now display in player and NPC nameplates.
Added casting bar for Summon Corpse, Summon Corpse Party, Teleport to Home and Revive.
Fixed an issue causing Lost Souls to use ranged attacks too frequently.
Fixed an issue where buffed stamina would still regenerate during regen pauses.
Fixed an issue allowing Whispering Souls to use ranged attacks while wielding melee weapons.
Corrected missing sound effects for certain humanoid NPCs when detecting and attacking players.
Added a notification for the Teleport Home ability (and other abilities blocked by Combat) when activation is prevented by Combat State.
Enabled spellcasting confirmation by pressing the spell slot key binding a second time.
Heal spells now skip targets that die during the cast animation.
Fixed an issue preventing some animals from leaving the area if the player is in an inaccessible location (e.g., on a large rock, in water).
Resolved an issue where NPCs would pathfind away if a player jumped on top of them.
Fixed missing spell effect indicators from the HUD unless the player re-logged with their avatar.
Corrected an issue causing Badgers to hit players twice in a single attack - but don’t pretend it is why they killed you.
Shield and torch can no longer be equipped together, as both use the off-hand slot.
Fixed a delay in displaying deducted stamina until the action was stopped.
Resolved an issue where the player would not reappear at their grave upon revival.
Fixed duplicated active spell icons on the HUD after zone transitions.
Fixed an animation issue with a specific head model in the character lobby.
Updated icons for several wearables to better represent their appearance.
Resolved texture inconsistencies with Cloth Legwarmers, ensuring they appear correctly on all avatars.
Improved framerate when players move near multiple NPC corpses.
Created new textures and effects for Lost Soul NPCs.
Adjusted metal armor lighting in the character select lobby to appear less dark.
Fixed an issue preventing the Hide Clothing toggle in character creation from being turned off.
Fixed the positioning of sliders across the game.
Fixed an issue that blocks the mouse click on some buttons.
Fixed several log spam issues to improve performance.