Alpha - FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
I changed my setup since I signed up. Should I update my profile?
Please make sure you do! You can easily add and/or remove devices from your profile by visiting our Account Management Page. While you are at it, you will want to check that your email address is correct as well!
How do I know I have been selected for the test?
Starting November 14, check your mailbox for a message from alpha@themainframe.com with instructions. If you are unsure if the email you received is legit (or if you deleted it), you can always check your account management page. For selected players, the Alpha Access tab will show a new section with all the instructions and information required to join.
I signed up for the test months ago. When will I be selected?
We plan to invite players gradually - not everyone will receive an invite simultaneously. Also, (and as much as we would like) we have limited server capacity and won’t be able to let everybody in. Whether you are selected or not, make sure to head to Discord to check how things are going and share your impressions with the rest of our amazing community.
What are the criteria for being selected?
We will use the information at our disposal to create a pool of testers as diverse as possible:
mixing a wide range of machines and graphic cards.
inviting groups with a Friends token - but also individuals without it.
matching different geographical origins.
In a nutshell, while there’s no guaranteed way to be selected into the Alpha, only players with a Pax Dei account with a completed profile will stand a chance!
Am I more likely to be selected if I have a powerful machine?
You don’t! We will include a wide range of machines and graphic cards to help us validate our minimum & required specs. This means that even if you do not have the latest graphic card, you can be selected, but also that the best gear does not guarantee your selection.
Note that we want to ensure you have the best possible experience during the Pax Dei Alpha test. While our game can run on smaller configurations, we strongly recommend the following specifications for correct performance:
OS: Windows 10 and DirectX 12
RAM: 16GB system memory
GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070 or Radeon RX 5500 XT
Storage: 70GB of available space on an SSD
Find all the information above and more in the #alpha-game-info channel of our Pax Dei Discord server.