Pax Dei
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Pax Dei

Echoes from Pax Dei, a Zebian Horror Audio Tale (avec sous-titres en Français)

In Pax Dei, the world is home to many rare and twisted beings. Gatekeeper Montel is one such aberration.

Once a man of flesh and kin, he cast off his sanctity and embraced gluttony, offering his soul to Beelzebub, a Prince of Hell and the Manifestation of Hunger. Now, Montel stands sentinel in The Rivulet, a Cultist lair perilously close to the surface of Creation and a threshold to deeper Hells.

He guards the Sigil of Gotifan, a unique relic used in Cultist summoning rituals, and essential for crafting artifacts touched by Archduke Gotifan himself.


  • NPC: Gatekeeper Montel

  • Location: The Rivulet, Ancien

  • Unique drop: The Sigil of Gotifan

  • Ingredient for: Gatekeeper Montel’s Gloves

Pax vobiscum, The Mainframe Team.