Pax Dei - Answers to pressing questions (en anglais)
Hello Paxians,
Today we're going to answer some of the questions we've seen come up most often on Discord and other platforms. You might find some answers too vague or not to your liking — and that’s part of the game. Our teams are hard at work developing key features and systems, and there are quite a few details we can’t share at the moment. Thank you for your patience and continued support!
Content & Features
Will you add a new province?
Not in the near future, but we have plenty of designs for new regions and landscapes! While it's not coming too soon, the possibilities for expansion are definitely on our minds.
When will you be adding new in-game emotes?
Great news—new emotes are coming in the next content update! We know many of you are eager for more interactions like sitting on chairs or lying on beds, and we’re actively working on making that happen. In fact, we’re even working on dedicated emotes while the character is seated! There’s still some work left to ensure everything functions smoothly, but stay tuned!
When will we get more lore content?
We're developing a system to bring more lore and mysteries to the world of Pax Dei, and while we can't share details just yet, we think you'll love what’s coming!
When will you add fishing? Will you add farming?
While we don’t have an exact timeline yet, they are features we absolutely want to bring into the game. For now, we’re focusing on bigger core systems—but your future homestead and fishing adventures are definitely in the works!
Will you run in-game events after release?
Pax Dei is a true sandbox, and we’re already amazed by the creativity of our community! Clans are organizing races, archery contests, treasure hunts, and more. We focus on giving you the tools to create meaningful events rather than implementing time-limited ones that might not suit everyone. Keep the creativity coming—we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Will the previous forest ambiance come back?
Absolutely! As we’ve mentioned before, the forests will return. But as any good forester knows… trees take time to grow!

Gameplay & Mechanics
When are you adding fast travel?
Fast travel is coming as part of the next set of Miracles! We don’t have an ETA yet, but it’s coming.
Where do you stand on mounts?
We’ve been testing some prototypes, but they’re not yet at the level of quality we want for Pax Dei. The work-in-progress model you’ll see in the screenshots below might look “nearly done,” but in reality, it’s still far from final.
While animations, horse rigs, and models are coming along relatively well, the real challenge lies in fully integrating mounts into the world. Ensuring that horses move and behave naturally within the environment and that zone transitions are smooth, etc., is a complex process—and there’s still a lot of work ahead.
That said, our team will keep working on them, so stay tuned for more updates!

When will the option to dye clothes be available?
We have a working prototype and a solid selection of colours and embroidery patterns, but before introducing the full system, we need to ensure the foundations of crafting and the economy are solid. Once those systems are in place, we’ll be able to move forward with the dyes!
Are higher stack sizes (100/200) for items planned?
We’re making some adjustments behind the scenes, but we can’t share details just yet. Stay tuned!
Building & Housing
When will you fix trees growing through foundations?
We hear you! This issue has some deep roots (bad pun intended), and it’s taking longer to resolve than we initially expected. But we’re on it!
When will you fix the hole in the center when combining four plots?
We’re actively working on a solution! No ETA yet, but we know it’s an issue, and we’re making progress.
Will you improve the permission feature and allow for more control?
Yes! We do plan to improve the permission system, but we don’t have a timeline to share just yet.
When will the new building pieces be added?
Exciting news! The stone set we teased last year should be included in the next major content update—if we’re happy with its level of polish. In the meantime, the upcoming minor update will bring new foundation pieces, including roundish ones! We know you’re eager for more building options, and we appreciate your patience as we make sure they’re just right.
When is recycling coming?
It’s still in development, and we hope to introduce it in one of the next major content updates!
Do you plan on adding a way to move everything in a plot at once (such as putting everything on a plot in the redeeming queue)?
This is something we’d love to add in the future, especially for players transferring to another shard. No timeline yet, but we understand well how valuable this would be!
Can you add the ability to move storage/furniture around in our plots while they’re full, instead of emptying and destroying them?
Right now, this isn’t in our plans, but we’re always open to feedback and ideas!
Crafting & Economy
When will new cooking recipes be added (for example, a "Yule Log" during Christmas)?
More recipes will be coming as the game evolves, and seasonal/event-specific recipes are something we’d love to include! Adding a recipe is more complex than it seems (ingredients, icons, models, balancing, etc.), but we’re definitely thinking about it.
Will you bring back Apple Trees, Plum Trees, etc.?
Yes! They’ll be making a comeback in the future.
Will you add the ability to craft using items in storage?
This isn’t in our plans at the moment, but we’ll keep listening to your feedback!
Technical & Performance
Will you add DLSS 4 native support to Pax Dei? When will FSR3 return?
DLSS 4 isn’t on our immediate roadmap, as we’re focused on general performance and stability improvements. We do plan to bring back FSR3 if we can fix the crashes some players were experiencing.
When will you upgrade to UE 5.4, and how will it help?
The next update will include the UE 5.4 upgrade. This is mostly an internal update that allows us to keep offering players the best visual fidelity and performance Unreal can provide. The practical differences from UE 5.3 will be small.
Will you upgrade to UE 5.5 afterwards?
Once we’ve successfully shipped the UE 5.4 update, we’ll start looking at 5.5 for future improvements.
Game Progress & Development Timeline
You mentioned Early Access would last a minimum of one year. Are you on track with your initial development plans?
We’ve hit some delays with certain features, but we’re confident that we should be able to release Pax Dei this year!
How many wipes will there be in Early Access?
A full wipe will happen before release so that everyone can start fresh. We may do an additional world/character wipe before that, but we’re carefully considering how to make it as smooth as possible.
When will we know more about monetization?
We’re finalizing some systems, and once everything is set, we’ll share the details with you! What we can state once more is that if you’ve already purchased a Founder’s Pack during Early Access, you won’t be charged again when the game transitions out of Early Access.
For more details, you can visit our complete FAQ on the website.
Are more languages coming soon?
We’re excited to confirm that we’ll be adding two new languages in an upcoming content update: you’ll soon be able to play Pax Dei in Spanish (Castilian) and Polish. Note that while the game and the website will be available in those languages, we won’t be able to add specific language sections on Discord for Spanish and Polish, as we currently do not have the bandwidth to moderate and engage in these two languages.
We know many other communities would also like the game localized in their language. While we can’t promise which languages will be added in the future or when, rest assured that we are looking into it. Even though Pax Dei doesn’t have quests or dialogue to translate, adding a new language is still quite a lot of work, and we won’t be able to add all languages at once.
Stay tuned for more details on the upcoming minor and major content updates!
Pax vobiscum, The Mainframe Team