Back to School Status Update
Hello Paxians,
It’s back-to-school time for most of the (real) world, and our teams are more pumped than ever to add content to the game.
Patch when?
Our next content update will be released in the autumn!
We know “autumn” is somewhat vague. The thing is, we need a few more weeks before we’ll be in a position to commit to a more precise date - just in case we need some extra time to wrap things up.
Why don’t we release content earlier? During the past two months, we deployed more than ten patches and fixes, addressing bugs, correcting issues to ensure server stability, and introducing minor changes. The autumn update will introduce larger changes and new features and, therefore, require more time. Our teams are making good progress, and we’ll start sharing the first details very soon, as you can read below.
If everything goes according to plan, we then want to release another content update at the turn of the year.
Development status
Rest assured, even though we don’t always have the time to respond to your feedback and suggestions, we do read and consider everything. So please continue to send us your thoughts about Pax Dei! Some of the discussions on Discord have already been incredibly insightful.
Was the Early Access released too early? Maybe, although, as we stated, this is Early Access in a very real sense of the term, a beta for our game, and we never intended to have everything available on day one. We needed to validate some of the assumptions we had before starting to introduce key features, and that was always going to take time.
Seeing how players engage with the game as it is today - still very raw and missing some critical systems - is vital in steering development. We thank you for your patience as we work on adding the missing pieces to the game and improving what’s already there.
That being said, let’s move to the “what the devs have been cooking” part.
We recently shared some details on what the team is currently focusing on. Make sure to read the post if you haven’t already or to refresh your memory.
It’s still a bit too soon for us to give you fully-fledged patch notes for the autumn update. That said, some things have progressed enough that we’ll be able to share more details in the coming weeks. Here is a sneak peek:
Combat improvements:
improved responsiveness and readability, improved hit detections, improved nameplates, ability to cancel attacks and spellcasting, and more!
Early PvE experience rework: more accessible enemy camps, better readability on their overall strength.
Rework the Inquisition, the Cultists, and the Lost Souls: enemy factions to give them more character and some uniqueness.
Crafting system enhancements: addition of a journal (formerly the Compendium) to compile all your known recipes in an easy-to-consult way, quality of life improvements, rebalancing, etc.
Lore: the world of Pax Dei has a history that waits to be unveiled. It is coming.
Quality of life changes: compass, new emotes (in a loop), addressing ninja looting, new building pieces, new signs, a recycling system for crafts, one-button wood cutting/mining, and more.
We’re not sure yet if they’ll all make it to this upcoming content update, the one after, or a future update, though, so please bear with us. Note that way more things - big and small - are being worked on and we will provide additional updates soon.
Stay tuned as we dive deeper into these topics in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience, Paxians!
Pax vobiscum, The Mainframe Team