Pax Dei
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Pax Dei

New FAQ section and more

Hey there, adventurer!

We're excited to announce the launch of our new FAQ section on the website! You can find it at the top of the navigation bar. This section is the go-to place for official information about Pax Dei, covering everything from general game information to specifics about the Alpha testing and our approach to language support. We've also included a focus on the building aspect of the game. We will make some additions in the coming months (and perhaps, at a point, we will talk again about the pronunciation of Pax Dei).

All the questions in the FAQ were first published on our official Discord server, so if you want to be the first to know about any updates and Pax Dei-related news, join our public Discord channel. You'll get prime information about the game, official FAQs, and the chance to chat with the development team.

As for playtesting, we're currently running a Friends and Family closed alpha test under an NDA, so you have yet to hear much about it. Why are we still under NDA, you ask? We want to ensure our home is clean before inviting you in! More seriously, this Friends and Family phase is necessary to fix critical issues and kick off our Live Operations management.

We know you're excited, and we're working hard to meet your expectations. While we can't reveal much about the Alpha, we want to share some exclusive game imagery with you before too long™ (*). To thank you for your patience, here is a sneak peek of what we'll show in our gallery. We hope you enjoy it!

Closed Alpha - Player-built - Southgate manorClosed Alpha - Player-built - Workshop with View (not for rent)

Note: these screenshots are directly taken in the Close Alpha environment without any modifications; the constructions you can see have all been made by some of our Friends and Family guinea p... testers.

Thanks for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more news about Pax Dei.

Best regards, The Mainframe team

(*) We aim for mid-May to be fully transparent. Note how serious we are about this before too long.