Market Square - Patch Notes & Known issues
Hello Paxians!
First, here is the video recap of the content of Verse 2, Market Square (with a little teaser about the next update with Grace and Miracles).
Market Square - Patch Notes - Dec. 13
New Feature: Gold and Markets
You can now obtain Gold in the game:
Kill some humanoid NPCs and check what they drop;
Gold operates as an 'ethereal currency' represented only in the UI;
When you receive Gold, the system adds it to a wallet in your inventory;
You can transfer Gold from your wallet to any chest where it will also appear as in a wallet;
Your Gold balance is unaffected by your avatar's death and can't be looted in PvP.
Market Stalls
You can build Market Stalls to sell and buy items for Gold.
Market Stalls are available with Carpentry level 5.
The recipe will appear in the crafters' list.
Each Market Stall has a maximum capacity of active sell orders. Currently, this limit is at 120 per Market Stall.
Permissions - currently only the Market Stall’s owner can change them
You can set the following permissions to determine who can sell goods at your Market Stall:
Clan - Elders,
Clan - Alderman.
Actions you can't change the permission for:
Everyone can purchase from any Market Stall,
An order can be canceled by the seller, the Market Stall owner, or the plot owner.
Creating a sell order
Put an item or a stack of items from your inventory on sale and give it a gold price. Each sell order size corresponds to one inventory slot.
Creating a sell order comes at a brokering fee gold charge.
This can only be done if the Market Stall is not at full capacity, the player can afford the broker's fee, and the player has sell permission.
Once created, each sell order shows the item, the stack size, the seller name, and the price.
Items with less than 100% durability and lifetime can still be sold. The buyer can see the durability state of the item in the details panel.
Market Stalls don't yet have detailed filters or sorting options, but you can use the text search to filter items by name or by the seller's name.
You can also use a quick filter for a single item type by hovering over an item or sell order and pressing the input displayed as “Filter by item. “ This option automatically sets the item's name into the text search filter.
Purchasing an item
Anyone can browse any Market Stall and purchase items from it.
You can only purchase an item when you have available inventory space and carry enough Gold to afford it.
Upon purchase, Gold is immediately transferred to the seller's avatar wallet.
Canceling an order
Orders can only be canceled by the seller, the Market Stall owner, and the plot owner.
You can only cancel an order if you have free inventory space to withdraw it.
Canceling an order withdraws the item from the stall and places it in the inventory of the player who canceled it. As with the permissions on your plot(s), you must trust the people you work with!
When an order is canceled, the fee spent upon creation is lost.
Market Stall Notifications
When your sell order is filled out, you receive the gold immediately in your wallet.
The initial release of the Market Stalls doesn't give you a visual notification when you sell a good. Your gold wallet updates as gold is transferred to it. We're still working on clear notifications for this and a Market Log where you review your active orders and trade activity.
Destroying a Market Stall
Market Stall can only be destroyed if it has no active sell orders. The plot owner, the market stall owner, or the sell order owner(s) must cancel any active orders to be able to destroy a market stall.
If a plot with a Marker Stall is released:
As there is no plot owner anymore, only the Market Stall owner and the owners of the different sell orders can cancel the orders.
If someone now places a plot on top of the Market Stall, they become the plot’s owner and obtain rights on the Market Stall. This means they can empty it by canceling all orders and getting all the goods. Again, be careful with who you work with on the Market Stalls.
Changes & Fixes
A lot of stack sizes have been increased.
The system for selecting interactable items—loots, gatherables, and props—is now more reliable when the items are stacked on each other.
The interaction range has also been slightly increased.
The Unstuck ability can no longer be used during combat and now requires full stamina to activate.
Mining and tree-chopping animations have been enhanced.
Clan names will now consistently appear below player names in character nameplates.
Combat Balance and fixes
Projectiles can now penetrate water surfaces.
Reduced forward movement of all melee attacks by 10%.
The stamina cost of blocking in PvE combat has been reduced.
Base stamina regeneration is paused during blocking, but food and potion regeneration will continue.
The melee targeting has been improved to prioritize enemies close by.
The melee Aim Assist slider has been removed from the game.
The damage of all sword types has been increased.
Combat skills for one-handed and two-handed spears have been divided into Handspears and Polearms categories.
Fixed an issue where One Handed Spears incorrectly used Polearm damage on the final combo-chain attack.
The area of effect range of the two-handed mace special attack has been reduced.
Balanced the damage output of maces and spears to better align with their utility.
The axe special attack now reduces target physical resistances by 20% (used to be flat value).
The Hurt Proc effect has been adjusted to reduce stun duration, application chance, and flat damage.
Spell Casting now correctly displays the spell icon and text on NPCs' nameplates.
Fixed an issue where attempting to cast a spell on cooldown would prevent subsequent casts in the same slot.
Enemies stuck attempting to path to their target will now teleport to a valid spot near their target. This is a temporary workaround to a dungeon exploit where the enemy movement is blocked so they cannot reach their target.
NPCs will now verify their teleport destination to prevent unintended teleportation.
Fixed issues related to NPC disappearance, aggro, and pathfinding.
Fixed over-prediction of attacks against enemies moving near the player where some hits would be considered being done from behind, ignoring the blocking mitigation.
Fixed an exploit where it was possible to drop an item during combat and “hide” behind it to prevent receiving damages.
Improved Inquisitor grunts and sounds when fighting in groups.
Fixed the frequency of noises enemies make while idling.
Added several clan and party events to broadcast to the chat, e.g., new members joining, members leaving, or being kicked out…
Added a settings menu to the general chat that allows players to filter what chat lobbies they see.
Removed the Discord account name displayed in the chat under the player character’s name. The Discord account name information is still available in the interaction menu when clicking on a player's chat entry.
Updated the Discord button textures and text so they should not appear pixelated or blurry at different UI scales.
Fixed several issues with the Direct Message button usability.
Fixed an issue in which the friend requests, clan invites, and party invites were also displayed to the requester.
Fixed an issue where the nearby chat lobby might not appear in the general chat lobby selector.
Fixed an issue where you couldn't DM a player from the chat interaction menu after sending them a friend request.
Fixed an issue where texts with a line break pasted into the chat would automatically be sent.
Fixed an issue where successfully linking your account to Discord from the chat settings or friend list wouldn't trigger a pop-up.
Increased the size of the Skullcap resource for better visibility.
Added a missing icon for Green Apples.
Updated assets and icons for reeds and grain resources.
Updated the model and icon for Green Grapes.
Fixed an issue preventing the placement of blast furnaces on foundations and other flat structures.
Corrected the 3D model of wrought iron bars when dropped on the ground.
Addressed floating and clipping issues with decorative props in enemy camps.
Fixed the smoke effect emitted by Alchemy Tables.
Fixed lighting anomalies when entering and exiting water volumes in pre-dungeon catacombs.
Squared away some extra sound effects used to play when interacting with the map.
Improved the visual appearance of the Petra Dei.
Character Art
Beards and mustaches can now be selected independently during the character creation.
Subtle adjustments have been made to avatar faces.
Additional body shape options and normal mapping have been implemented.
Optimized several NPCs for better performance.
Adjusted some shaders to improve metal brightness.
Reduced excessive shininess on leather chest armor pieces.
Improved cape clipping behavior.
Ensured the "always cover body" feature persists in the characters' lobby.
Optimized texture scaling by removing dynamic bounding boxes for detail textures.
Fixed an issue causing head transparency when wearing specific clothing.
Corrected display issues with specific earring models.
Some resources and animals' spawn points have been updated.
Increased Tree Branch and Gneiss Stone density in starter areas.
Increased spawns for Level 14 boars, Level 24 bears, grapes, red onion, reeds, and pure iron deposits in the Wildlands.
Adjusted Meadowsweet to spawn more along the water in the grasslands and all non-tree biomes in the Home Valleys. Also added it to the wetlands biome in the Wildlands.
Ensured all quarries in the world have mineable spawning.
Fixed an issue that caused the skinning skill to not always receive XP from looting animal corpses.
Adjusted recipes for starter professions to align with the stack amounts for the ingredients.
Fixed an issue that caused the map to no longer focus on the player's location in some cases.
Fixed an issue where holding shift and double-clicking G would move all items from one inventory to another.
Fixed an issue with inventory where the button prompts stack vertically.
Updated recipe names for smithy signs to be more descriptive.
Fixed an issue where items sometimes drop to the ground when moving them from the inventory slot to the hotbar.
Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause Craft All to stop functioning.
The game is now localized in French and German. Open the Setting, General, and pick your language in the drop-down menu. You won’t need to restart the game.
You can post feedback on our Discord channels dedicated to French and German localization.
Market Square - Known Issues - Dec. 13
Creating or purchasing a sell order can sometimes trigger a random error message despite being successful.
Market Stall settings window is missing the confirmation and reset buttons.
The right panel is not refreshed after an item is purchased, which leaves a non-functional ghost item displayed.
The original slot remains selected when moving an item from one inventory slot to another.
The settings button in the Market Stall UI is missing a corresponding key bind.
A sell order and an inventory item can both be selected at once.
If the player does not have enough gold and purchases an order using the keyboard key, an error pop-up appears with missing strings.
Primary action button prompts are missing for all modal windows related to interacting with sell orders.
The "Market at Full capacity!" window lacks the visuals [X] and ESC close window options.
Text in the "Market at Full capacity!" modal is grammatically incorrect.
Dragging items onto the Market Stall UI sometimes drops them into the world.
In the Market Stall UI, hovering on an empty slot in inventory shows the selected item from the Market Stall.
The purchase button in the details panel of a Market Stall is not affected by changing the client's display language.
The [Esc] icon and hint are missing in the tutorial message during the first Market Stall opening.
The number input box of the Gold deposit/withdrawal amount is deselected too easily if accidentally hovering over storage slots.
Feedback message when attempting to destroy a non-empty Market Stall refers to it as an "inventory."
Market stalls cannot be interacted with while using Emotes.
Keyboard input becomes unresponsive in Market Stall when the Chat window is open.
The friends list is empty after unlinking Discord.
Changing chat channels does not always require selecting the text input field, and the channel cannot be closed by pressing enter.
Disabled chat feeds are re-enabled after logging out and back.
Chat System Messages - Missing Party event when promoting a leader.
Tell and Reply may create an additional dialogue chat feed.
Active chat may remain in the dropdown after disabling it in General chat.
Opening Notifications or Party displays the General Chat headline for a moment.
Shield bash doesn't always hit the enemy from a specific distance.
The player's cast bar description can change for the spell another Player's character is casting.
Zebian Acolyte and Zebian Trickster NPCs exhibit erratic behavior after losing aggro.
Missing spell icon for spellcasting NPCs.
Zebian Acolyte and Zebian Trickster NPCs health bar issues during combat.
Ranged attack collision issue for Inquisition Catalyst on sloped terrain and stairs
Casting Breath of Joy stops the Autorun.
Corpse summoning and Petra Mea progress bar may persist on the screen if canceled quickly.
The indicator of the cooldown state is inconsistent for potions in inventory.
No feedback is provided for when the unstuck cooldown is finished.
Storage container names can overflow the container window.
The pause menu automatically reopens after unstuck usage. Plus, it can occasionally become unresponsive. To open it, you must repeatedly press the [Esc] key.
The green apple icon does not appear in the cooldown HUD when consuming it.
Clan UI displays active characters as offline sporadically.
Examine tooltip doesn't mention the ability to pick up the item and allows unexpected key bind in that state.
Highlighted border of button bindings appears inconsistently in different UI scales and resolutions.
The “All” in the Worlds' selector is not localized.
The Discord button in the character selection menu is not localized.
“Unclaimed plot” in the Plot menu is not localized.
In all languages, the keyword to release a plot is the English word DELETE. Hopefully, the UI clearly indicates this.
The Discord URL in the EA panel is broken.
Some DE and FR texts overlap with the UI.
Pax Dei exe sometimes still runs after closing the client window on Steam.
When playing in windowed mode, the mouse pointer sometimes exits the game window area.
Changing between Masculine and Feminine preset characters may cause the beard tab to behave in an unexpected way.
Stack sizes of potions are inconsistent.
It is possible to trigger looting animation for an already looted loot pile at world load; it is only a visual bug.
Incorrect building integrity highlights in green for elements without support.
Inconsistent Stamina behavior when it gets below 0.
Audio: Certain ambient animal sounds are connected to the SFX slider in settings (smells like a badger’s trick).
Road and landscape texture can become extremely blurry depending on the camera angle on the AMD GPU.
Grass layer blends are too sharp in some places.