Market Square Part 3 - Patch Notes & Known Issues (auf englisch)
Hello Paxians!
General Release notes were published with the Market Square Part 3 announcement.
Patch Notes - March 13th, 2025
Introduced remote market browsing within a Home Valley.
Added Heartland Markets view to the main menu.
Added the ability to create a waypoint leading to a market stall with a sale order selected from Remote Market Browsing.
Added the ability to edit own sale orders in Market Stalls.
Added filtering and sorting of sale orders in markets.
Added a new visual variant for Market Stall.
Added a limit to the prices.
Implemented various bug fixes to the inventory and market UI.
Fixed an issue that could accidentally cause the input field for gold deposit/withdrawal to be de-selected.
Fixed an issue that was making it difficult to close some market error messages.
Fixed an issue where sell orders in a market stall were ordered randomly.
Introducing the Compass – more details on our recent spotlight
Removed Guiding Wind from the game to make way for the Compass.
Added new building pieces. More details on our dedicated spotlight
Removed duplicate "Small Half-Timber Roof Support" entries from the construction menu.
Rebalanced resource costs for various roof building pieces.
Adjusted ingredient requirements of Stone Wall Foundations.
Rebalanced resource costs for Half-Timber building objects.
Adjusted window shutter and door recipes to use a single base recipe for both left/right and double variants.
Moved the Brazier from "Furniture" to "Lighting & Decorations" in the Furnishings menu.
Standardized the skill level at which new and old building pieces unlock.
Fixed an issue that could cause buildings on sloped ground to have lower structural integrity, leading to unexpected collapses.
Fixed an issue where an active area of effect spell could prevent plot placement.
Added audio when receiving daily Grace.
Fixed a bug where making an offering for Grace while falling was possible.
In-game chat via Discord
Added the voice chat to clan and party lobbies.
Reintroduced chat bubbles that appear above avatar heads.
Fixed an issue that could cause the chat to open when performing other actions.
Fixed an issue with Discord chat where the last opened UI wasn't persistent or retained.
Fixed an issue related to a Discord account linking error.
Fixed consistency issues relating to chat history when a player unlinks their Discord account.
Made several adjustments to the Discord UI.
Removed UI interactions from system messages.
Removed the timestamp from system chat messages.
Added new emotes (press B).
Added the ability to sit in chairs and specific emotes for when the character is seated.
Added the ability to interrupt emotes with other emote selections.
The appearance of the doublet was updated to be more accurate to medieval fashion.
Fixed various clipping issues.
Fixed an issue with the randomize name button during character creation.
Fixed an issue where the level-up notification was not displayed.
Improved the transition between weapons when an NPC is attacking.
Improved Ctrl-click input chord detection, allowing players to trigger special attacks while blocking by tapping Ctrl.
Fixed a bug that caused all spells to have Ctrl+1 as their confirmation key.
Fixed an issue that allowed players to gain more XP from chopping/mining nodes than intended.
Fixed an issue that could cause the spellcasting bar to display the names of spells cast by nearby players.
Fixed an issue that caused active spell AoEs to block plot placement.
Fixed a crash that occurred when rapidly swapping spells into resource chopping.
Teleporting to the Petra Dei while swimming is not working anymore.
Added new icons and models for wooden crafting ingredients when dropped.
Unlocking recipes now sends a notification telling you what recipe you unlocked. If you click the Link to the Journal from the notification, the recipe you unlocked will be highlighted.
Fixed an issue where the "Open in Journal" button did not select the journal recipe.
Fixed an incorrect lock icon in the storage box UI when the player has access.
Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent "Stop Crafting All" from working.
Fixed an issue where the inventory UI background remained visible after closing the inventory.
Fixed an issue where some crafting stations were not displaying item stats.
Fixed floating and misaligned props.
Corrected various grammar mistakes or typos from item descriptions and improved consistency of the item names.
Gathering & resources
Added a new way to gather resources from mining and woodcutting that automatically switches to the appropriate tool and back to your previously equipped items. The best tool available in your inventory is always used with this method. The former system has not been removed.
Tools now display the Hardness level separately from the Resource damage to clarify why a tool might not be good enough for use on a specific node.
Reduced the number of clay nodes but increased the quantity of clay gatherable per node.
Improved flint spawning amounts.
Updated item tooltips to update quantity and visibility when the stack count changes or the last item is used.
Items with 0 lifetime, including torches, are now removed from the repair list.
Updated Inferior Leather's icon and model.
Fixed an issue where item icons on a crafter would appear as "?".
Fixed an issue where Furnishings and Crafters had incorrect visual indicators during placement.
Fixed an issue that could cause container and crafter interactions to work unreliably if the system time was manually changed.
Fixed an issue that could cause the dropped 3D mesh of items to change when logging back into the game.
Expanded the plot name from 12 to 24 characters.
Optimized foliage shaders and the tree roots to cling to the ground surface.
Fixed an issue where a felled tree near an enemy camp would behave incorrectly.
Fixed an issue that prevented loot piles from showing the correct interaction prompt after resetting.
Updated our Unreal Engine to version 5.4.
Improved material quality scaling with Medium and Low-quality settings through the overall quality level in Graphics Settings.
Known Issues - March 13th, 2025
Sorting by Durability in a Market Stall will display non-durable items alongside durable ones. This does not occur with Heartland Markets.
The Market Stall waypoint can only be removed by logging out of the game.
Canceling or buying an order breaks the sorting option in the Market Stall for all the players looking at the given Market Stall. You must either close the Market window and reopen it or change the sorting option to a different one and back.
The Market list does not show the Tier tips on the icons. You must select an order to show the item's Tier.
In Heartland Markets, when filtering orders, the text "Filters active, showing X of Y orders" always displays the number of orders on the current page for both X and Y instead of showing the number of filtered orders and the total number of orders.
Sticky Selection: The player can use key binds on the last selected item in the market stall even after reopening it
After canceling a sale, the [E] key on the keyboard can become unresponsive in Market Stall and storage interfaces.
When opening the Market UI from the Main Menu when outside a Heartland where there are no market orders to browse, (for example in the Wilds or in Dungeons) the UI instructs you to select an item in the inventory and click the [Create Sale] button to create a sale order even if its not possible and can only be done at a Market Stall.
Sort by name is currently (and temporarily) not available in market stalls.
When browsing market orders remotely (by using Markets from the Main Menu), sorting by name or using text search is temporarily not available. In the meantime you can use all other sorting and filtering options to narrow down your search.
Chat / Voice chat
In most situations, the chat doesn't open after pressing "Enter" when the Building menu is already open.
When a player is in both a Clan and a Party, if they join one of the Voice Chat channels (Party or Clan) and then click "Join other Voice Chat" to switch to the other Voice Chat channel but cancel or dismiss the confirmation box, the "Join other Voice Chat" option will become greyed out and unusable. This issue can be resolved by leaving the party and rejoining it.
Leaving any Voice Chat channel after canceling the "Join other Voice Chat" action with the ESC key will move the player to the canceled channel. This does not occur when clicking the Cancel button instead of using the ESC key.
The "Push to talk" setting is only accessible from the Voice Chat settings, while it should also be in the general settings menu. The same issue applies to the volume settings of the voice chat.
If a window is opened before the Chat window, it does not accept keybind inputs.
F5 doesn't hide the Chat bubble above your character.
Characters lobby: the Discord hyperlink in the Maintenance message is broken, leading to a ‘no text channel.’
Demonic trees have the [E] Felling option but should not, as they are not choppable.
Emotes are not functional while the Construction Hammer is equipped.
Furnishings and Crafters can be placed in the air.
Integrity Issue: Construction elements can extend infinitely over water without proper support. This can lead to building destruction when it is fixed.
Some Gates to other provinces are not displayed on the Compass.