Market Square Part 2 Coming on January 23!
Hello Paxians,
We’re thrilled to announce that Part 2 of the Market Square content update will be deployed on January 23.
Note: The maintenance will begin at 08 am UTC and is expected to last approximately eight (8) hours to perform some infrastructure changes, so please plan accordingly. Also, no wipe of the world or characters is planned for this content update.
The second part of Verse 2 will introduce the much-anticipated Grace currency!
Grace, Blessings, and Miracles
Grace represents divine favor and serves as a resource for performing miracles. Think of it as a spiritual energy, enabling you to cast unique, non-combat related spells.
Miracles will include blessings that enhance crafting and gathering skills or utility abilities like fast travel home - though miracles involving teleportation will be introduced at a later point.
Every character will receive a small amount of Grace by logging in each day. Additional Grace can be obtained by using gold for those seeking more.
How to earn Grace?
Every player can earn Grace daily the first time any character on the same account and in the same region logs in per day.
You may spend Gold to generate grace, however:
The price of Grace has scaling diminishing returns each day
The price of Grace resets each day to the base amount
Grace is region-based: characters on the same account and in the same region share the same Grace pool.
What kind of blessings and miracles can you cast?
In this initial version of the feature, you’ll be able to cast two different kinds of blessings:
Tradesman’s blessings that buff specific professions’ skills for a limited duration. The buffed skill is used when determining the outcome of crafting tasks. However, the bonus is not used to unlock new recipes or determine XP rewards from crafting - which means that these blessings meaningfully help you earn XP because your success rate is increased.
Gatherer’s blessings make gathering more time efficient for a limited duration, yielding bonus resource rewards when the respective blessing for each skill is active.
More blessings and miracles will be added over time, such as fast travel miracles. Some miracles will be unlocked by default while others will need to be earned through progression.
The full patch notes will be published once the maintenance has started, so you can review all changes in detail.
We can’t wait to hear your feedback on what’s coming!
Pax vobiscum, The Mainframe Team